PPC Management Services: Reach the Perfect Audience and Drive Revenue Growth

Every Ad Platform uses AI. Choose an agency known for their

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The Industries We Work With

Ecommerce Marketing Campaigns

Give your products visibility in the online marketplace. Differentiate your brand from your competitors in the mind of the consumer. Increase brand recall and leverage Helium’s suite of AI and analytics tools so you can understand your buyer and sell more products. Increase your customer LTV by using data that allows you to understand more about second purchasers. Empower your email marketing with PPC data and have confidence in your PPC strategy.

Retail Marketing Campaigns

Helium knows that retail stores care about two things: more feet in the door and more phone calls. Reach your customers effectively and elevate your brand in the mind of your prospect. By creating specific messaging across a multitude of marketing channels, Helium can make your brand the go-to choice in your market place. Human psychology is simple. The more we see a brand, the more we assume that the brand is a trusted authority. Since only 3% of the market is ready to buy, Helium optimizes your campaigns to cheaply reach your audience so you can be in the right place at the right time. Get more sales for less dollars.

B2B Marketing Campaigns

B2B marketing is more complicated than B2C. The size of the audience is small and many ad platforms don’t allow targeting based on the things that matter. With Helium, we have hundreds of millions of records connected to job titles, department, seniority, and more. We leverage our data across all the major ad platforms and we work with your team to develop messaging that overcomes the likely sales objections that prevent your prospect from getting on a call. With Helium, we know the amount of touches needed and we know what your prospect needs to see to develop trust in your brand. Best of all, we can actually track everything so you aren’t left guessing. It’s cool to make more money but its even better if you know what works and why.

Home Service Company Marketing

The overwhelming majority of home service clients find a service provider through PPC and SEO. With Helium, we get you more phone calls, more form fills, and more data so you know what works and what doesn’t. After millions of dollars in spend, we know how many ads to make, where to show the ads, how often to show the ads, and we know how to target your target customer. Our goal is to make real business impact you can feel. So many home service companies are stuck because they haven’t solved the marketing puzzle. The more you spend, the more you learn when it comes to ads. With Helium, you get an agency that leverages the insights gained over years of marketing with millions of dollars of spend capturing data.

What Is Pay Per Click and How Does It Work?

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a digital advertising powerhouse where you only pay when someone clicks your ad. It’s the fast track to buying targeted traffic, contrasting with the long game of organic SEO. Search engine advertising dominates the PPC landscape, and as a Google Premier Partner, Helium SEO excels in crafting high-impact PPC campaigns across multiple platforms. Our data-driven approach ensures your ads reach the right audience at the right time, maximizing your ROI.

How To Know PPC Marketing Is Right For Your Business

PPC can be a game-changer for businesses hungry for rapid growth and targeted traffic. It’s particularly potent if you need immediate results, have a clear target audience, and can allocate a budget for paid advertising. But how do you know if it’s the right move? That’s where our PPC audit services come in. We’ll dive deep into your business goals, analyze your market, and provide concrete insights on potential ROI. Don’t guess – let data drive your decision.

What Problem Are You Trying to Solve?

Reaching the right audience

Get in front of the right audience and lower your CPMs and CPL. End the madness of eternal audience testing and work with an Agency that knows how to make ad campaigns that appreciate in value. Leverage AI to find the audience that won't fatigue.

Confident marketing attribution for all of your marketing efforts

Stop guessing at what works and bring crystal clear clarity to your marketing efforts. Get the data you need to increase your LTV. Best of all, the platform is so simple a cave person could use it.

ClickUp Project Management

We use ClickUp to track all of our work. Some customers want maximum visibility into their marketing campaign, and ClickUp is the right tool for the job.

Proprietary Content Team Management and AI Platform

While PPC doesn't use large content campaigns, we believe that PPC + SEO are like peanut butter and jelly. This is why we developed our own system built around content campaigns so you can easily edit, review, and approve content and you can communicate your satisfaction with the quality with a few seconds of effort.

Reporting, Dashboards, and Regular Meetings

Get instant visibility into the performance of your PPC marketing campaigns. Helium prioritizes communication and transparency to foster a relationship of trust.

Get a Free SEO and Ads Audit ($1,500 Value)

Before we work together, we would like to review your marketing so we can provide you with insights to help you evaluate your current marketing campaign performance. Why is it free? It’s important to build a foundation of trust when partnering with someone, and our free ads audit is one way to built trust. 

You have nothing to lose. Schedule a call with one of our PPC experts.

Reduced Cost per Lead by 50% in 7 months

Healthcare Niche

Increased Monthly Lead Acquisition by 92.81%

Home Services Niche

Improved the ROAS from 120% to 320%

Ecommerce Niche

Increased Leads to over 30,052+

Client Leads Every Month

Proprietary Tracking Technology Designed to Make CMOs Grin

Attribution App Features

  1. Adjust Attribution Type (Linear, First Touch, Last Touch, Time Decay, Position Based). Compare revenue in visual graph for each attribution type.
  2. View first time purchase revenue & repeat repeat purchase revenue and view by each marketing channel, each page, and each ads campaign.
  3. Inspect any customer’s name and see the precise journey and review the AI modeled common journeys to optimize buyer journey. View the LTV of each person. You can see total visits, pages viewed, and events triggered.

The Helium Ad Campaign Workflow

Review our Helium Ad Campaign workflow below to learn more about the stages of a campaign from setup to strategy. We make sure your campaign adapts and grows with your business.

Start the campaign by auditing the tracking to make sure we aren’t fishing with a broken net. We review Meta Conversion API set up, Bing pixels, Google pixels, Google Tag Manager, and we investigate the native ad platforms to see if the reporting is accurate.

Before making any changes to ads, copy, or creative, we research what works in your niche. Organic profiles from similar businesses provide great insight into the type of creative that works. We also review the engagement that similar businesses get. What seems to work the best and what are the complaints?

After the research is complete, we set up tracking, build the reporting dashboard, and we begin to structure your ad account in the most optimized structure. We’ve managed 100s of millions of dollars in ad spend and this have given us the advantage of knowing what works and what doesn’t.

We have a 7-10 day testing cycle. We share the insights bi-monthly after we gather the data from our tests. You’ll know the type of creative to use, the audiences to sue, the headlines that work, and you’ll know the landing page designs that convert the best.

The last step to the ad campaign is to provide strategy and advice wherever possible. Helium is not just a media buyer. We walk alongside our clients and act as business partners. We seek every opportunity to provide your business with meaningful tactics and insights that lead to business impact.

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Start the campaign by auditing the tracking to make sure we aren't fishing with a broken net. We review Meta Conversion API set up, Bing pixels, Google pixels, Google Tag Manager, and we investigate the native ad platforms to see if the reporting is accurate.

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Before making any changes to ads, copy, or creative, we research what works in your niche. Organic profiles from similar businesses provide great insight into the type of creative that works. We also review the engagement that similar businesses get. What seems to work the best and what are the complaints?

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After the research is complete, we set up tracking, build the reporting dashboard, and we begin to structure your ad account in the most optimized structure. We've managed 100s of millions of dollars in ad spend and this have given us the advantage of knowing what works and what doesn't.

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We have a 7-10 day testing cycle. We share the insights bi-monthly after we gather the data from our tests. You'll know the type of creative to use, the audiences to sue, the headlines that work, and you'll know the landing page designs that convert the best.

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The last step to the ad campaign is to provide strategy and advice wherever possible. Helium is not just a media buyer. We walk alongside our clients and act as business partners. We seek every opportunity to provide your business with meaningful tactics and insights that lead to business impact.

Helium's PPC Marketing Services

At Helium SEO, we don’t just manage PPC campaigns – we engineer revenue growth. Our team of PPC specialists wields cutting-edge tools and strategies to create campaigns that don’t just perform, they dominate. We take a holistic approach, ensuring your PPC efforts synergize with your overall digital marketing strategy for maximum impact.

Our arsenal of PPC services includes:

  • Campaign architecture and management
  • Laser-focused keyword research and selection
  • Compelling ad copywriting and design
  • Advanced bid management and optimization
  • Conversion-centric landing page design
  • Data-driven conversion rate optimization
  • Strategic retargeting and remarketing campaigns
  • E-commerce shopping feed optimization
  • Precision geofencing ad services
  • Cutting-edge programmatic advertising

As a Google Premier Partner, we have access to advanced tools and insights that give your campaigns an edge. Our dedicated account managers work closely with you, translating your business goals into PPC strategies that deliver real, measurable results.

The Different Types of PPC Ads

When it comes to PPC, understanding the various ad formats is essential for crafting a winning digital marketing strategy. At Helium SEO, we don’t just understand these formats – we master them. Our expertise spans all major PPC channels, allowing us to create multi-faceted campaigns that capture your audience at every touchpoint.

From search ads that capture high-intent traffic to display ads that build brand awareness, from video ads that tell your story to shopping ads that showcase your products, we leverage each format to its full potential. Our data-driven approach ensures we’re always using the right ad type for the right audience at the right stage of their buyer’s journey.

By diversifying your PPC strategy across multiple ad types and platforms, we create a robust digital presence that drives traffic, leads, and sales. Whether it’s Google Ads, Bing Ads, social media advertising, or emerging platforms, Helium SEO has the expertise to make your PPC campaigns shine.

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Google and Bing Ads

With an average ROAS over 300%, your search ads will have immediate revenue impact for your brand. We work with your brand to establish a keyword list that will yield the best results. In our proven system, we quickly gather data and insights within the first 14 days of your campaign so we can hit the ground running.

Consumers need 20+ touchpoints before they are ready to buy from you, which is why Helium focuses on the full picture. We establish cheap touch points in combination with highly targeted touchpoints designed to take advantage of the 20 previous ads the consumer saw. Get the right message in front of the right people at the right time.

Social Media Ads

Social media is perfect for establishing brand awareness. The overwhelming majority of your prospects aren’t even searching Google for your brand or your services. 3% of the market is ready to buy. 17% is researching solutions to their known problem. About 40% of people are problem-aware but they aren’t searching for a solution. 

With Social media ads, we establish your brand as an authority in the eyes of the consumer. We use data to inform our copy and creative and we gather the data you need to make your SEO and Search Ads more effective. We highly recommend Social Ads + Search Ads + SEO so you can show up at every stage of the customer buying journey.

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How Helium SEO Can Amplify Your Reach & Drive Revenue Through PPC Marketing

Targeting the right audience for your business

At Helium SEO, we don’t just target audiences – we pinpoint your ideal customers with surgical precision. Our advanced targeting techniques leverage demographic data, search intent, and behavioral patterns to craft PPC campaigns that resonate deeply with your market. We’re not satisfied with just improving click-through rates; we’re after quality leads that convert into revenue.

Our PPC management goes beyond basic keyword targeting. We employ sophisticated audience segmentation, including remarketing and geofencing, to engage potential customers at every stage of their buying journey. By activating third-party data and leveraging programmatic advertising, we expand your reach without sacrificing precision. The result? Maximum ROI on every ad dollar spent.

Proven techniques to increase your return on ad spend

Data drives everything we do at Helium SEO. Our approach to maximizing ROAS is no exception. We deploy advanced bid management strategies, continuously fine-tuning based on real-time performance data. This ensures your ads get prime placement at the most cost-effective price. But we don’t stop there. We obsess over your Quality Score, meticulously optimizing ad copy and landing pages to lower your cost per click and boost ad positions.

Our PPC advertising arsenal includes comprehensive A/B testing of ad variations, landing pages, and offers. We leave no stone unturned in the quest for peak performance. Our proprietary funnel ROI tracking technology provides deep insights into user behavior and conversion paths, enabling data-informed decisions that continuously elevate campaign performance and drive higher ROAS. Combine this with our status as a Google Premier Partner, and you’ve got a recipe for exceptional results.

Innovative solutions that drive growth

Innovation is in our DNA at Helium SEO. Our proprietary attribution tracking technology offers unparalleled insights into the customer journey, enabling precise ROI reporting and informed decision-making. Our loop ROI system identifies the most effective touchpoints in your marketing funnel, allowing us to optimize your ad spend with laser focus.

We harness cutting-edge AI and machine learning to supercharge our PPC campaign management. Our AI-powered content creation tool generates compelling ad copy and landing page content that speaks directly to your target audience. Our custom dashboard delivers real-time performance insights, enabling agile decision-making and swift adjustments to capitalize on emerging opportunities. These innovative solutions, backed by our team’s expertise, drive sustainable growth through PPC marketing.

SEO vs. PPC: Which is the Right Strategy for Your Brand?

In the digital marketing arena, both SEO and PPC play crucial roles in driving traffic and conversions. SEO is the long game, focusing on organic search visibility through on-page optimization, content creation, and link building. PPC is the sprint, offering immediate visibility and precise targeting through paid advertising.

Choosing between SEO and PPC isn’t an either/or proposition. It depends on your business goals, budget, and timeline. SEO builds sustainable organic traffic but takes time to show results. PPC delivers instant visibility but requires ongoing investment. At Helium SEO, we often recommend a balanced approach that leverages the strengths of both strategies.

Our integrated approach creates a comprehensive digital marketing powerhouse. We use PPC insights to inform SEO efforts and vice versa, optimizing your overall online performance. This synergy leads to more effective keyword targeting, improved landing pages, and a deeper understanding of user intent. The result? Higher conversions and ROI across your entire digital marketing efforts.

Get a Free Ads Audit from One of Our Digital Sales Consultants

Ready to supercharge your PPC performance? Take the first step with Helium SEO’s free ads audit. Our digital marketing wizards will dive deep into your current PPC campaigns, uncovering hidden opportunities and areas ripe for optimization. This isn’t just a surface-level review – we’re talking about a comprehensive analysis of your keyword strategy, ad copy, landing pages, account structure, and bidding tactics.

As a Google Premier Partner, we bring industry-leading expertise to the table. We’ll benchmark your campaigns against key performance indicators like click-through rates, quality scores, and conversion rates. But we don’t stop at the numbers. We’ll dissect your targeting strategies and cook up recommendations to fine-tune your audience segmentation and expand your reach.

The result? A treasure trove of actionable insights to boost your PPC performance and maximize your ad spend ROI. You’ll get clear, data-driven recommendations to inform your PPC strategy and help you decide if partnering with a PPC powerhouse like Helium SEO is your next smart move.

Don’t let underperforming PPC campaigns hold you back. Seize this opportunity to gain expert insights and catapult your PPC efforts to new heights. Your competitors won’t know what hit them.


PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a digital advertising model where you pay only when someone clicks your ad. It’s a powerful way to buy targeted traffic and drive immediate results. PPC encompasses search ads, display ads, social media ads, and more. At Helium SEO, we leverage PPC to drive qualified traffic to your site and generate leads or sales with laser precision.

PPC can be an excellent investment for businesses looking to drive immediate traffic and conversions. Unlike SEO, which takes time to yield results, PPC can put you in front of potential customers instantly. The key to making PPC a stellar investment lies in expert management and continuous optimization. With Helium SEO’s data-driven approach, we target the right audience, craft compelling ad copy, and optimize landing pages to maximize your return on ad spend (ROAS).

The cost of a PPC campaign varies widely depending on factors such as your industry, target keywords, competition, and campaign goals. Some businesses may see results with a modest budget of a few hundred dollars per month, while others may invest thousands. The important metric to focus on is not just the cost, but the return on investment. At Helium SEO, we work with clients to establish a budget that aligns with their goals and continuously optimize campaigns to maximize ROI.

Working with a PPC agency like Helium SEO offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to maximize their online advertising efforts. PPC agencies bring specialized expertise and experience to the table, staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices. They have access to advanced tools and technologies for campaign management, tracking, and optimization that may not be available to individual businesses.

A PPC agency can save you time and resources by handling all aspects of campaign management, from keyword research and ad creation to bid management and performance tracking. They can also provide valuable insights and strategic guidance to help you make informed decisions about your digital marketing efforts. By partnering with a ppc management company, you can focus on your core business while leaving the complexities of PPC advertising to the experts.

Get a free ads audit from one of our digital sales consultants

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